???? What is AM and who is Pedro Gesteira? ???? AM is the evolution of the preparatory course. Founded in 2019 by Pedro Gesteira (a medical student at UFRN), it began as an in-person class for practicing mock exams. When he realized that the biggest difficulty the class had was organizing their study routine, Pedro began providing individual mentoring – and, from then on, hundreds of medical school admissions would come out in the following years. ???????? Today, AM has +100 mentors spread across Brazil and has already given +25,000 hours of individual mentoring. In addition, AM also has a teaching team that prepares weekly mock exams, delivers classes and lists, and also provides monitoring. But instead of overwhelming you with huge handouts and huge classes, each material is made so that you learn more in less time. ???? In short, AM is an environment created by former medical school students who decided to give you what they themselves would have liked to have had when they were still preparing. An environment created by people who truly care about your development (not only in your studies, but also in your shape, health and personal life). Here is the link to our Instagram, if you want to know more about us: /mentoria.enem ====== ???? Now you can have a mentor approved in Medicine organizing your study routine FOR YOU to give you the security that you are on the right path: https://amentoriaenem.com.br/