I'm Alice and Hi everyone❤️, nice to meet you and welcome to my channel????????. My name is Alice and I'm an exchange student 2023!????️ I decided to open this channel to document my experience. I will be doing my first semester abroad (August-December 2023) in the USA, Illinois, if you want to follow my adventures of this unforgettable experience of mine. I really want to compare myself and I can't wait to leave. Are you an exchange student too? Would you like to be one or have you already been one? In any case, anyone who is even just curious to see how I will manage is welcome???? This video is dedicated to those who want to find out more about how to become an exchange student!! It is an important choice and for this very reason it must be made with thought, attention and the right timing. Here is my story about it, it took me approximately 8 months????, sweat, effort and a lot of perseverance to plan my experience abroad. Good luck and never lose heart! For me the departure is getting closer and closer guys. Thanks in advance for the support of this strange and childish idea???????? If you have any advice on how to make better videos and document my experience better, let me know!! (I film with my phone and use capcut as an editing application). If you want, you can comment or like! Let my personal diary finally begin???? #exchange #exchangestudent #exchangestudents #usa #illinois #semesterabroad #exchangestudent2023 #introducingmyself #personaldiary #exchange #exchangestudent #exchangestudents