✅Hey guys, in this video we're going to address a relevant topic when assembling your high-performance engine! ❓WHICH CYLINDER HEAD GASKET MODEL IS IDEAL❓ ????????We're going to address and show the differences between steel head gaskets and head gaskets with O-rings and their models! ????Grab your notebook and write everything down so you can stay up to date on the subject!!! ????MAXI POWER RACING ON YOUTUBE! ✅ The best content for those who are passionate about turbo, nitro, aspirated cars and their parts, you can find here on your performance channel! ✅Did you like the content? So don't forget: ????????Share with your friends ????????Subscribe to the channel ????????Leave that like ????Turn on notifications ????????And leave in the comments your questions and suggestions for new videos -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Follow MAXI POWER RACING on social media: https://linktr.ee/maxipowerracing #Vemparaamaxipowerracing #juntacabeçote #oring #juntaaço #juntacompetiçao #juntacom oring #chevette #chevettedrift #chevettededrift #chevettedrift #aspirado #motoraspirado #carroaspirado #kitturbo #kitturbopadaria #linhadecombustivel #conexaoan #performanceparts #dragracing #streetracing #manobrasradicais #drift #drifting #race #racing #arrancada #drag race #streetoutlaws #turbo #brandsanddrivers #trackday #drag #racer #chevette #opala #bmw #e36 #driftking #driftnation #whichturbinetouse #clutch #carbonclutch #ceramicclutch