On the weekend of May 6, 7, and 8, 2023, Ajecta* organized the 2023 Steam Festival in Longueville. Special trains ran between Longueville, Montreault/Romilly/Villiers Saint-Georges. Equipment present on site: 241P17 (Le Creusot) X2210+Xr6000 (AAATV-Montluçon) BB66304 (ACPR1126) BB25188 (APMFS) 141R840 (Les Aubrais) X2403 (CFHA) A1AA1A68081 (SNCF) BB25236 (SNCF) 141R1126 (Toulouse) X4039 Picasso (ABFC) A1AA1A68540 (AAATV-CVL) BB25660 (APCC6570) 140C27 (Nîmes) X4747 X4719 (CFTSA) CC72084 (SNCF) CC6558 (APMFS) 140C38 (Limoges) X2930 CC6570 (APCC6570) 140C231 (Longueville) BB7398 (ACPR 1126) 141TB407 (Longueville) 141TD740 (Limoges) TGV train n°16 020 020 (Sentheim) Cinema car SCC 065 Ajecta is the Youth Association for the Maintenance and Conservation of Vintage Trains. AJECTA was founded in 1968 by people who are passionate about railway rolling stock. The aim of this association is to preserve French railway heritage, of which it exhibits various restored pieces in its living railway museum. It also runs steam trains on the national rail network.