Seeing the Hollywood pomp and glamour, it's easy to forget that the stars parading on the red carpet are just people. In today's video, we've gathered stars for you who suffer from some kind of serious addiction or have lost their lives due to addiction. Facebook: / theggmagyarorszag Instagram: / thegg_hq Writer: Flórián Kántor Editor: Gábor Albert Narrator: Dorottya Tóth If you're looking for movies, stars or interesting facts, THEGG is your choice, because you'll find a little bit of everything here! We have all the goodies, be it superhero movies, Hungarian stars, world stars, sports world, biographical videos, bodybuilding and everything that's eye-watering. Our other videos: They play the characters of the GTA series: • Video Best Hungarian films: • Video Moments when Hungarian stars made a complete fool of themselves: • Video