It's time to claim yours!.. Blizzard Entertainment presents the opening cinematic for StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void. On November 10, 2015, the battle for the ancient homeworld of the Protoss, the planet Aiur, is under attack by the oldest evil in the universe. Pre-order StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void at http://www.legacyofthevoid.com. Legacy of the Void is a new expansion for StarCraft II (it can be played regardless of whether you own the previous expansion). You play as Hierarch Artanis, leader of the mighty Protoss. Many years ago, your home planet of Aiur fell to the onslaught of the Zerg. Now, you have finally managed to create a powerful battle fleet, the Golden Armada, and you are ready to retake Aiur. But the universe is threatened by Amon, an ancient evil. Only you can unite the protoss and defeat the darkness before it destroys all life. StarCraft II Official Website: http://eu.battle.net/sc2/ru/ Beta Testing Sign Up: http://legacyofthevoid.com Free Starter Edition of StarCraft II: https://eu.battle.net/account/sc2/sta... SC2 WCS: http://wcs.battle.net/sc2/ Subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://www.YouTube.com/user/StarCraft... Our Social Media Channels VKontakte: http://vk.com/starcraft Twitter: / starcraft_ru YouTube: / starcraftru Twitch: / profile