Anakin Skywalker loses a hand in the fight against Count Dooku, and the duel between Mustafar and Obi-Wan Kenobi costs him his second hand and both legs. And as if that wasn't bad enough, he ends up falling into lava and suffering pretty severe burns. What would be certain death for others is the birth of Darth Vader in Star Wars - Anakin puts on his iconic black suit and today we're taking it apart and seeing how realistic the technology inside it is. Jack doesn't do this alone, but with the wisdom of Hubert Zitt, professor of computer engineering at the University of Kaiserslautern. ▸https://www.hs-kl.de/hochschule/profi... #starwars #maythe4th #sciencevsfiction Sources, backgrounds and further information about this episode: A big thank you for the input on suit technology goes out to Luc from @Nerdfactory, please head over to his channel and leave a little love from us: ▸ / @nerdfactory A thousand thanks also to the "Stars of the Galaxy" in Mönchengladbach, who even organized a "real" Darth Vader for us: ▸ https://www.starsofthegalaxy.de You can find him, like many of his colleagues, here: ▸ https://weg.org/ All information about Anakin Skywalker, aka Darth Vader, can of course be found in the jedipedia: ▸ https://jedipedia.fandom.com/wiki/Ana... More about sensors for different radiations: ▸ https://www.first-sensor.com/de/produ... ▸ https://www.driesen-kern.de/produkte/... You can read the story about the US researchers who combined a chip for biosignatures with telescopes to find Earth-like planets here: ▸ https://www.mdr.de/wissen/ausserirdis... The current status of head-up displays: ▸ https://www.kfztech.de/kfztechnik/sic... ▸ https://store.hudway.co/nv_camera State-of-the-art voice prostheses: ▸ https://futurezone.at/science/wie-man... ▸ https://www.aerzteblatt.de/archiv/309... ▸ https://www.tugraz.at/tu-graz/service... Everything about lung machines and ventilators: ▸ https://www.thecpapshop.com/blog/ever... ▸ https://pubs.asahq.org/anesthesiology... More on the subject of feeding tubes: ▸ https://www.doctors.today/a/wann-ist-... Here is the link to the ESA research project "The Melissa Loop System": ▸ https://www.esa.int/Enabling_Support/... How did we calculate Darth Vader's basal metabolic rate? Like this: ▸ https://www.spiegel.de/gesundheit/ern... /-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/ Does radioactivity give you superpowers? How does Sonic reach the speed of sound? How many helium balloons does the Disney house take off from "above" with? We'll do the math and try it out - with live experiments, smart experts, and you. Tell us what we should check and you'll get nerd facts and bragging knowledge for the next party. MDR knowledge on the internet: ▸ https://www.mdr.de/wissen/index.html Please observe our netiquette when commenting! ▸ https://www.mdr.de/s/wissennetiquette