Title: Wind of Time Current version: 1.3 (final and last) Platform: Call of Pripyat Patch: 1.6.02 Developer: akmc47u Release date: In the fall of 2014, the largest emission in history occurred in the vicinity of the Exclusion Zone, as a result of which the Zone began to absorb more and more areas of the Earth, threatening the existence of life on the planet. In 2048, a time machine is invented, and its creator, Professor Demyanenko, comes up with a plan to save humanity, which consists of sending a military specialist into the past who is able to understand the causes of the emissions and prevent it. LINK TO THE RUTUBE CHANNEL: https://rutube.ru/channel/20490289/ download: https://ap-pro.ru/forums/topic/163-ve... #StalkerMods #NERIL