I play on the STALKER PVE WINGS project Discord of the project: / discord Link to the WAR GM of the project: https://wargm.ru/server/73652 IP Server: My discord: / discord My VK Play: https://live.vkplay.ru/katrin_games My boosty: https://boosty.to/katrin_96/donate (exclusive content) You can support the streamer or order music live on this link: https://www.donationalerts.com/r/katr... Do you like the streams? You can provide support by calling the Sberbank card number 2202 2080 6341 0220 (Ekaterina) My PC: Processor: Intel Core i5-13400F, 6 x 2.5 GHz, RAM: 32 GB DDR4, Video card: GeForce RTX 3060, Storage devices: SSD x2 512 GB, SSD -1Tб, Microphone: ARDOR GAMING Koradji Quatro (condenser, streaming) Monitor: ARDOR GAMING NOVA PRO 27* Screen resolution 2560x1440@165 Hz ????Stream chat rules: 1. Respect! Always show respect to the streamer, moderators and other viewers. Profanity, insults and humiliation towards any participants are absolutely unacceptable in the live broadcast chat. 2. Don't spam! Avoid sending the same messages or characters multiple times. This may disturb other viewers. 3. Don't advertise without permission! Don't post links or advertisements without the streamer's or moderators' permission. This also includes any advertising of other streamers' channels! 4. Protect your personal information! Do not disclose personal information such as your address, phone numbers, etc., either about yourself or others. 5. Be tolerant! Respect the diversity of opinions and cultural differences. Do not incite conflicts. 6. Please remember that this chat is apolitical, and therefore discussion of political topics is not allowed. ⛔️Punishment for violation - MUT/BAN at the discretion of the streamer or moderator. ????Don't forget about likes! ✔️Subscribe to the channel if you like my work!