An analysis of the subject in light of the Jurisprudence according to the sentences C-1194 of 2005, MARCO GERARDO MONROY CABRA, Rad. 25920 of 210207, JAVIER ZAPATA ORTIZ and filing 28847 of 120508, JORGE LUIS QUINTERO MILANES. The subject of the principle of equality of arms is addressed as the central core of the accusatory system of adversarial tendency, introduced with the reform of article 250 of the Charter, according to Legislative Act 03 of 2002, to which the constitutional sentence C-591 of 2005, CLARA INES VARGAS, refers. THE DISCOVERY of the North American accusatory system, understood as that through which it is intended to avoid the evidentiary ambush, the parties being equal must know the elements of conviction that they find in the investigations to which each one has the right - Prosecutor and Defense.