"Square Masterpiece Selection" is a series of carefully selected special features that have been broadcast on Koto Wide Square. This time, we will be looking at the special feature that was broadcast in July 1998, and will be covering the transportation that supports daily life in the ward, as well as the state of the Tozai subway line. There is also a lot of valuable footage that can no longer be filmed! Until Friday, September 22, 2023, the main building of Koto Ward Office will be set up with a subway driving simulator that uses a driver's cab that was actually used by Tokyo Metro, allowing you to experience driving the Tozai line between Minami-Sunamachi Station and Nishi-Kasai Station. "You can drive a train at the ward office! Subway driving simulator installed" https://www.city.koto.lg.jp/397101/8g... #KotoWard #KotoWideSquare #SquareMasterpieceSelection #TozaiLine #TokyoMetro #TokyoMetroTozaiLine #Subway #Eidan #VehicleEncyclopedia