⭐️You can apply via LINE for the "LinkUp Free Study Group" where you can learn the correct way to study English⭐️ ↓ https://liff.line.me/2006311463-K5g0g... The keyword for Today's Phrase PDF is "Soliloquy English"????️! (Please send it to LINE chat) There are also other things such as essential grammar rules and a beginners' essential English vocabulary and phrasebook, so please use them to study卍LinkUp Inc. website: https://linkup-english.co.jp/ Please also follow us卍Instagram: /english_hina X: /hina_toeic [Table of contents] 00:00 Introduction00:46 Study methods02:36 The benefits of talking to yourself in English04:33 Things to keep in mind when playing the video06:10 When you wake up in the morning10:17 Getting ready in the morning13:31 During your commute16:58 After arriving at work20:32 Study session21:11 Household phrases24:08 Lunch break28:18 After returning home33:30 Hobby time37:33 Bath/before going to bed40:14 Summary #Fluent #English #Self-study #Completely self-study #Vocabulary book #Grammar #Shadowing #Sys-Tan #Friday Friends #English learning method #TOEIC #Eiken #English conversation #Study abroad #Not studying abroad #Working holiday #Listening #Speaking #Perfect score #English grammar #English vocabulary #English study method #English learning