AMBOSS, knowledge - from doctors for doctors. https://www.amboss.com/de The breathing of the lungs can be examined more closely using 2 methods: on the one hand with spirometry and on the other hand with body plethysmography. Spirometry is also referred to as small lung function and body plethysmography as large lung function, as it provides additional values. ... Contents: 00:00 - Introduction 01:28 - Measurement methods 03:39 - Lung volume 10:30 - Respiratory flow 14:41 - Quiz AMBOSS is the ideal reference work for doctors in everyday clinical practice and the perfect learning system for medical students. AMBOSS contains the knowledge of all specialist areas - so elaborated and networked that doctors receive immediate guideline-compliant answers to their questions. Try it now for free at: https://www.amboss.com/de/account/reg... #ambossmed #auditor #spirometry #breathingvolume #medicalstudy #lungfunction