#spirituality #self-knowledge #old age In old age, spirituality tends to grow, because we understand (or should) better what is most important in life. Spirituality is contact with the sacred, including within yourself. Faith, hope, is trying every day to be a better person. Enjoying a sunset or watching your grandchildren grow up. Pure spirituality. Now, to exercise or access your spirituality, you need to know yourself. The way you are. And who knows, maybe you will have the blessing of being who you really are. Therapist and writer Patrícia Guimarães Andrade is a profound person. Let's learn from her? The name of the book I mention is Pinceladas & Vislumbres: diving into spiritual teachings. Do you want to talk to the author? [email protected] ------------------------------------------ See more of Sou 60 Website - sou60.com.br Facebook - facebook.com/programasou60 Instagram - instagram.com/programasou60 YouTube - / sou60 Aging approached in an open and courageous way, with seriousness and optimism. Sou 60 discusses topics such as citizenship, sexuality, health, the job market, behavior, technology, travel itineraries and inspiring examples.