Humans are the most complex beings with the greatest power to act that inhabit this planet. This conscious power also brings with it greater responsibility for our individual and collective actions. Only by expanding our knowledge will we be able to approach a full life, not free from suffering, since we are a tiny and fragile part of nature. However, this limitation does not prevent us from striving to learn how to use reason to organize our relationships with the countless bodies with which we will have so many encounters throughout our lives. Our power to act is the capacity to endure (suffer) and to do; it is the passions and actions of which we are capable. The affections produced by encounters are the variation of this power. Increasing our knowledge expands our capacity to compose with other bodies in encounters, whether sought or not, guiding our desires and improving our actions in search of a happier life. BARUCH SPINOZA - ETHICS - PART FOUR: “OF HUMAN SERVANTS, OR THE FORCE OF AFFECTIONS” - APPENDIX “Chapter I: All our efforts or desires arise from the necessity of our nature…” “…we are a part of nature that, by itself and without relation to other individuals, cannot be adequately conceived.” … “Chapter III: Our actions, that is, the desires that are defined by the power of man, that is, by reason, are always good; on the other hand, the others can be both good and bad.” “Chapter IV: Therefore, in life, it is useful, above all, to perfect the understanding or reason to the maximum, and it is in this that the supreme happiness or beatitude of man consists…” “Chapter XXVII: The main utility that things that are outside of us bring us, besides the experience and knowledge that we acquire by observing them and transforming them into each other, is the preservation of our body; and therefore, those things that can feed and nourish the body so that all its parts can perform their function correctly are useful above all. For the more apt the body is to be affected in various ways, and to affect external bodies in various ways, the more apt is the soul to think…” AXEL CHERNIAVSKY – LA REVUELTA FILOSÓFICA “…as part of nature, the human being follows the laws of nature, like plants and animals” …“It is more complex, but it is not an empire with its own laws.” GILLES DELEUZE – EM MEDIO DE SPINOZA “What is it like not to know how to swim? Not to know how to swim is to be at the mercy of encounters with a wave. You have the infinite set of water molecules that form the wave. I say it is a wave because these simpler bodies that I call 'water molecules' are not in fact the simplest, it would be necessary to go even further, they already belong to a body: the aquatic body, the body of the ocean, the body of the lake, etc. What, then, is knowledge of the first kind? Well, I go, I throw myself and, as they say, I throw myself into the water. What does 'throw myself' mean? It's quite simple. The word clearly indicates that it is a question of extrinsic relations. Sometimes the wave hits me, sometimes it takes me away. These are shock effects. In other words, I know nothing about the relationship that is composed or decomposed, I only receive the effects of extrinsic parts. The parts that belong to me are shaken, they receive the effect of the shock of the parts that belong to the wave. So, sometimes I laugh, other times I cry, depending on whether the wave makes me laugh or knocks me down. I am in the affects-passions: 'Oh, Mommy, the wave hit me!'. If, on the other hand, I know how to swim, this does not necessarily mean that I have mathematical, physical or scientific knowledge about the movement of the wave. It means that I have a know-how, an incredible ability. In other words, a kind of sense of rhythm. Rhythm. What does rhythm mean? It means that I know how to directly compose my characteristic relationships with the relationships of the wave...” … “Waves or love… and dancing… are the same thing.”