What did you think of the singing and games in this circle? Leave your comment. Every Tuesday there is a Capoeira Circle at Casa Mestre Ananias. ATTENTION: TRAINING AT THE HOUSE IS BACK, COME TOGETHER TO CHECK OUT THE CAPOEIRA AND MUSICALITY CLASSES Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 7pm to 9pm Rua Conselheiro Ramalho 945, Bixiga São Paulo What did you think of the games and singing in this circle? Leave your comment WE NEED YOUR HELP TO KEEP THE CHANNEL ON AIR!!! SUPPORT THE UNMISSABLE COLLECTION COMPLETE RODA with over 2 hours and ON THE CHANNEL www.CapoeiraVIva.net, without ads.: HELP THE CHANNEL GROW. With a small donation of 30 Reais you have full access to over 300 hours of the Collection for 1 month. Access the Video QR code and have access to all the Content of the Collection. ↪www.CapoeiraViva.net↩ ::::::: 🔵Your support is essential to keep the collection available and provides access to our entire collection. ➕ 300 videos ➕ 400 hours of exclusive content.. Capoeira Circle founded by Mestre Ananias da Bahia in Praça da República, São Paulo Brazil, where several Capoeira greats passed through such as Mestre Suassuna from Grupo Cordão de Ouro, Mestre Camisa from Abada Capoeira e Senzala from Rio de Janeiro and several other capoeiristas from Capoeira Regional, Capoeira Angola and Street Capoeira. FULL CIRCLE ON THE CHANNEL ACCESS!!! www.CapoeiraViva.net INSTAGRAM: @capoeiraviva @capoeiralegadonegro #rodaderua #mestreananias #CapoeiraVivaNet #CapoeiraViva #capoeirarepublica #rodarepublica #capoeirussia #capoeiraregional #radiostationcapoeira #capoeiralegadonegro #capoeira #capoeiraangola #berimbau #mestrejoel #capoeirasp