The right to property can be understood as the right that an individual or legal entity has, within the legal limits, to use, enjoy and dispose of that asset, including claiming it. One of the forms of acquisition is through adverse possession. RURAL ADVERSE ACQUISITION, also known as PRO LABORE, is provided for in article 191 of the Federal Constitution and in article 1,239 of the Brazilian Civil Code. In the video I comment in more detail on this form of property acquisition and I hope to help you with the clarifications. You can also find me on social media: E-mail: [email protected] YouTube Channel: / @seudireitoonline INSTAGRAM: / isissouzaaraujoadv FACEBOOK Page: / seudireitoonline786 BLOG: https://seudireitoonline786.blogspot.... Jusbrasil: https://isissouzaaraujo.jusbrasil.com...