I am Professor Regina Kuntze, and in this presentation I will teach you when the tax inspector needs to know if there is a special risk in the service taken (of those who provide services with Labor Assignment or Contracting) and that it is necessary to change the value of the social security withholding by 2, 3 or 4% more in the invoice. Realization: Controller Max Prevent Training and Consulting. Support: EGEM - Municipal Public Management School of Santa Catarina. Visit our website: https://esocialcomempreendedorismo.co... ♦ Instagram: gestaoterceiros ♦ Youtube: Max Prevent Gestão 3ºs eSocial, EFDReinf and DCTFWeb ♦ WhatsApp group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/EYV0Sqilebg... ♦ Contact: 48 - 9 9687-2602