This is the Miyako Odori "Miyohame Kabuki no Irodori" (The Colors of the Beginning of the Reign of Emperor) all 8 scenes (edited version) to commemorate the new opening of Minamiza Theatre in 2019. At the beginning, there is a greeting from Master Yachiyo Inoue V, head of the Inoue school of Kyomai. On the official website and special page, you can see the lyrics, explanations and original background drawings for each scene. http://miyako-odori.jp/special/ Every year, when the cherry blossoms bloom, many people look forward to the Miyako Odori. Unfortunately, this year, we were unable to show everyone a glorious performance. It is very disappointing, but all the geishas and maikos of the Gion Kobu Kabukai are still practicing hard every day, hoping that we can show everyone a better performance next spring. We humbly ask everyone to continue to support us.