Duo of two violas “Jhenifer Tomaz and Pedro Abrante” (Votuporanga, SP) interpret: Old Cattle Landing (Índio Vago and Dino Franco), Truths of Life (Pedro T. de Aquino and Taviano), Little Pieces (Carlos Randall), The Return of the Cattleman (Sulino and Teddy Vieira), Potpourri of pagodes, and Piece of My Life (Mathias and Nascimento). Part of the Program “Moda de Viola” recorded at the Villaggio Alvorada Farm (São Carlos, SP) and shown on “Tv Cultura Paulista” on 07/10/2022. Special posted here on the channel “Sertaneja Raiz” on 04/22/2023. Script and presentation by “José Angelo”.