The second installment of the 2023 Summer Vacation Special Project: Bass Edition! I visited Takayama Dam in Mie Prefecture with my apprentice Akamatsu for the first time in a year. In the scorching heat, we caught a lot of fish and talked. It was full of useful information, such as "Criteria for choosing lure colors," "Reasons for changing sinkers," and "Why split shot rigs work!" Of course, there was also a lot of talk between master and apprentice Akamatsu. Please enjoy summer fishing safely! *A fishing license is required when fishing at Takayama Dam ----------------------------------------------------------- [Lures used] [New] ●GC Minnow 75SR-SP https://issei.tv/green_cray_fish/6109... ●GC Crank 42MR https://issei.tv/green_cray_fish/5974... ●Rakuwari Split Shot Sinker https://issei.tv/green_cray_fish/6057... ●Spatella 4in https://issei.tv/green_cray_fish/859.... ●Spatella 7.8in https://issei.tv/green_cray_fish/840.... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [issei Official SNS] ◆issei official Instagram(Green Cray fish)◆ / issei_official2013 ◆issei official Twitter◆ / issei71499638 ◆issei official Facebook◆ / murakamiharuhikoofficial