“CAROL VIOLA AND DUDA CINTRA” (Descalvado, SP, viola / Ibiraci, MG, guitar) perform: Dream of Caboclo (Ademar Braga and Tião do Carro), Sacred Scripture (Alexandre Sedenho and Carol Viola), The Doctor and the Caipira (Goiano and Geraldinho), Jorginho from the Backlands (Cornélio Pires), Heart of Pine (Alexandre Sedenho and Carol Viola), and Walker (Jack). Part of the Program “Moda de Viola” recorded at the Villaggio Alvorada Farm (São Carlos, SP) and shown on “Tv Cultura Paulista” on 04/03/2022. Special posted here on the channel “Sertaneja Raiz” on 10/1/2022. Script and presentation by “José Angelo”.