We will be live-streaming the Mass for the inauguration of the 14th Archbishop of the Seoul Archdiocese, Archbishop Peter Jeong Soon-taek, at Myeongdong Cathedral, the Archdiocese of Seoul. Please pray for Archbishop Peter Jeong Soon-taek. Date: Wednesday, December 8, 2021, 14:00 Venue: Myeongdong Cathedral, the Archdiocese of Seoul ------------------------------------------------------------- Archbishop Peter Jeong Soon-taek Biography August 5, 1961 Born in Daegu 1980~1984 Seoul National University, College of Engineering, Department of Industrial Chemistry 1984~1986 Catholic University of Korea (Dae Seminary) May 1986 Entered the Carmelite Order January 25, 1992 Perpetual Vow in the Carmelite Order June 1992 Completed Graduate School at Catholic University of Korea July 16, 1992 Ordained a Priest 1993~1996 Carmelite Monastery Novitiate 1996~1999 Director of the Seoul Student Monastery of the Carmelite Order and Second Counselor of the Branch 2000-2004 Master of Biblical Studies, Pontifical Biblical University 2005-2008 Vice-President of the Incheon Abbey of the Carmelites and First Councilor of the Provincial 2008-2009 Prior of the Gwangju Student Abbey of the Carmelites and First Councilor of the Provincial 2009-2013 Vice-President of the Carmelites’ Generalate in Rome for East Asia and Oceania December 30, 2013 Appointed Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Seoul February 2014- Deputy Bishop for Youth, Deputy Bishop for Religious, Deputy Bishop for West Seoul June 2016- Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Institute for the History of the Korean Church, Committee for the Glorification of Martyrs, Committee for the Preparation of Beatification and Canonization, Committee for the Construction of Seosomun Historical Park and Martyrs’ Shrine, Committee for the Construction of Pilgrimage Routes of the Archdiocese of Seoul ------------------------------------------------------------- #SeoulArchdiocese #MyeongdongCathedral #cpbc #CatholicPeaceBroadcasting #ArchbishopJungSoonTaek #InstallationMass ================================================ Broadcast Mission ARS Sponsorship: 060-706-1004 (5,000 won per call) 060-706-4004 (10,000 won per call) 060-706-9004 (30,000 won per call) Sponsorship inquiries, Daily Mass orientation application: 1588-2597 https://mrmweb.hsit.co.kr/v2/Member/M... KakaoTalk Plus Friend: cpbc TV ========================================== Subscribe to the cpbc TV YouTube channel. Everything about Catholic content! cpbcTV