The 2022 Seoul Archdiocese Priestly Ordination Mass will be live streamed on YouTube. The ordination mass of priests at Archdiocese of Seoul, South Korea (LIVE) Date: Friday, January 28, 2022 14:00 Celebrant: Archbishop Peter Jeong Soon-taek Venue: Myeongdong Cathedral, the seat of the Catholic Archdiocese of Seoul The ARS donation for today's ordination mass will be used as the priestly training fund of the Archdiocese of Seoul. 060-706-1004: 5,000 won per call 060-706-4004: 10,000 won per call 060-706-9004: 30,000 won per call #2022PriestOrdinationMass #BishopJungSoonTaek #ArchbishopPeterJungSoonTaek #MyeongdongCathedral #cpbc #CatholicPeaceBroadcasting #ArchdioceseofSeoul #Priest #2022PriestOrdinationCeremony == ... (30,000 won per call) Sponsorship inquiries, daily mass orientation application: 1588-2597 https://mrmweb.hsit.co.kr/v2/Member/M... KakaoTalk Plus Friend: cpbc TV ========================================= Subscribe to the cpbc TV YouTube channel. All about Catholic content! cpbcTV