Welcome to the VARICOSE VEINS Section. DO YOU HAVE VARICOSE VEINS IN YOUR LEG OR OTHER PLACES OF YOUR BODY? Varicose veins are most common in the leg, but they can also occur anywhere in the body. The details of this subject will be explained with visuals in the following pages. If you are currently reading this page, you probably have pain, swelling, unwanted veins, capillaries, ruptured veins, varicose veins in your leg or you are looking for information. I think you are looking at the right place in terms of LEG HEALTH because when you see a blue, green or purple vein in your leg, you think that the cause of all the trouble in your leg is VARICOSE VEINS, but you do not know that there may be other problems. This situation is the same not only for patients and their relatives, but also for many healthcare professionals. Therefore, this is almost the only place where you will find information and experience about COMPLETE LEG HEALTH. Therefore, YOU ARE AT THE RIGHT ADDRESS. Our website and experience are very extensive in this regard, that is, reading hundreds of our pages, watching thousands of our videos, examining hundreds of our newspaper articles... of course it takes time, but examine the topics for details, but let us give you a brief information here about your leg pain. Even if you have unwanted VARICOSE VEINS in your legs, you will understand how your real problem is due to a different reason in the following complaints: If your leg or legs have PAIN: (If you click on the diseases (colored text), you will be directed directly to that page) If it hurts while walking and decreases while sitting, YOUR FIRST DISEASE TO BE SUSPECTED IS: ARTERIAL OCCLUSION OBSTRUCTION or VASCULAR INSUFFICIENCY If it increases when standing up from a sitting position: JOINT DISEASES (knee, hip problems) If it does not change in any position and is continuous: FIBROMYALGIA If even touching the leg increases or gives pain: LIPODEMA If leg pain is accompanied by spasms: VITAMIN / MINERAL DEFICIENCIES If leg pain is accompanied by weakness: ANEMIA If leg pain is accompanied by widespread redness: MICROBIAL CELLULITIS If leg pain is accompanied by a snake-like redness: THROMBOPHLEBITIS or LYMPHANGITIS If leg pain is accompanied by nail fungus: ADVANCED LYMPHOEDEMA If leg pain is felt at the back of the leg: SCIATICA or HERNIATED DISC If even thinking about the leg causes pain: PSYCHOSOMATIC If you want to attribute all the negativity in your life to your Leg Pain and do not want to get treatment: CONVERSION Be careful, there are DOZENS of reasons for A SINGLE LEG PAIN that we have not listed here yet. Interestingly, the patient has varicose veins in his leg, and we have not even listed VARICOSE, INTERNAL VARICOSE, VENOUS INSUFFICIENCY as diseases yet. This means that when a varicose vein appears in your leg, it is not correct, incomplete, and even wrong to attribute all leg pain, swelling, and cramps to varicose veins. Therefore, if the diagnosis and prognosis are not fully and thoroughly established and this is not explained in detail to the patient and their relatives, the patient will only “get over the part of the varicose vein disease”, in other words, “get better” from one of their complaints, even if they have varicose vein surgery or varicose vein treatment, but the PATIENT will not get better! THAT IS WHY the patient’s complaints will not be COMPLETELY gone after varicose vein treatment. Be careful with doctors or health centers that ADVERTISE on Google: Almost all of them have the following statement: END TO VARICOSE VEINS, PAINLESS AND NON-SURGICAL VARICOSE TREATMENT IN 5 MINUTES, DON’T LIVE WITH VARICOSE VEINS... None of them have the following: finding the patient’s real complaints and the main reasons for this, first informing them of all of them, then arranging a roadmap for treatment, and TREATING THE PATIENT. The reason for this is that they are only interested in ONE SUBJECT and ONE DISEASE. They do not have experience with other problems. However, hundreds, thousands of mechanisms are working in a person and no disease comes on its own. Let alone physical problems, mental problems also cause these complaints, in other words, just getting rid of a patient's illness is not enough for RECOVERY or CURE. Many patients go to the doctor when their complaints start and in this case, the doctor says "it's too early for treatment, it's even earlier for surgery", and when they go again when the complaints increase, they are told "it's too late for treatment or you've passed the surgery limit". Neither too early nor too late; no matter what condition the patient comes in, no matter what complaints they have, we strive for treatment TOWARDS THE REASON. Each topic is examined in detail and with visual media in the following titles. First, click on the title WE SHOULD KNOW ABOUT VARICOSE VENISES FIRST... and then examine the other titles related to the topic you are interested in.