With Michele Boldrin - What are the root causes of backwardness in the Italian regions of Southern Italy? Is it possible to overcome the current situation, perhaps by taking inspiration from international contexts that have been able to innovate and emerge from comparable initial situations? An analysis of the structural, economic and, last but not least, cultural criticalities that characterize Southern Italy. The challenges and opportunities for economic and social progress, with a focus on the Sicilian situation, ranging from: education, entrepreneurship, Differentiated Autonomy, impact of the PNRR, hypotheses of autonomy in bargaining, renewal of the ruling class and concrete implementation of gender equality. Event by Liberi, Oltre Le Illusioni Sicilia Moderator - Harry Shergill _______ Chapters 01:06 Autonomy and Regional Legislation 02:20 The Causes of Disparity between Regions 04:10 Education: Critical Issues in Southern Italy 07:04 Historical and Modern Causes of the Backwardness of the South 09:20 Effective Models of Regional Development 27:14 Role of the State and European Aid 30:38 Challenges in the Use of Structural Funds 36:09 Critical Evaluation of the PNRR 40:17 Productivity and Gender Equality (Q&A) 44:44 The Economy and Southern Italy (Q&A) 49:55 Ruling Class and Local Culture (Q&A) 01:02:31 The Attraction of Capital and the Cost of Labor (Q&A) 01:08:57 Contractual Autonomy: A Possible Choice? (Q&A) 01:15:35 Attracting Investment: Strategies and Challenges (Q&A) 01:21:29 Contracting (Q&A) 01:35:23 Entrepreneurial Risk and Economic Development (Q&A) 01:40:14 Conclusions and Final Reflections _______ Speaker, Bio and Resources Michele Boldrin Joseph G. Hoyt University Distinguished Professor of Economics at Washington University in St Louis https://www.liberioltreleillusioni.it... _______ Articles ‧ https://www.liberioltreleillusioni.it/ Economy, Politics, Current Events ‧ / @liberioltre Science and Technology ‧ / @liberioltrestem Social Sciences, Philosophy and Public Policy ‧ / @liberioltreagora _______ An Open, Plural, Non-Ideological and non-Identitarian. We try to spread the principles of Merit, Competence, Individual Responsibility, Decisional and Information Transparency, Subsidiarity, Protection of Individual Freedoms, Market Economy, Competition and Individual and Collective Solidarity... This is Liberi Oltre! Content distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license by Liberi Oltre le Illusioni. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/...