Federico Rampini, journalist, citizen of the world, nomadic spirit, in places and ideas. He has crossed the oceans for tens of thousands of km, from China to the USA, which he has chosen as a second homeland, for himself and his children. A career in the main Italian and American newspapers, a history of an essayist who is never predictable, never politically correct, as can be read in his latest title, stopping Beijing. Perhaps impossible, but necessary, so that the fate of the West, which is not just a geographical expression, but a set of values, is not fatal. Like it or not, human rights are not respected in China, racism triumphs (and those who have chosen to adopt three Chinese children of persecuted ethnicity know this well), and yet there is pride in their own history and culture, which we are losing… SOUL on air Saturday and Sunday at 8.50pm on TV2000 Channel 28 – 157 Sky – https://www.tv2000.it/live Watch all the episodes on the SOUL website ▶ https://www.tv2000.it/soul The Facebook page ▶ / soultv2000 The Twitter account ▶ / soultv2000 Follow Bel tempo on Instagram ▶ / soultv2000 TV2000 always with you with our App: iOs: https://apps.apple.com/it/app/tv2000/... Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/de...