Erasmo Figini is a well-known stylist, an interior designer who works for the biggest Italian fashion houses. Money, career, high society. Then he meets Don Luigi Giussani, and says yes to the proposal to foster a sick child. This is how Cometa was born, an association and now a Foundation, an educational work, job training, hospitality, and much more. Erasmo and his brother Innocente, with their families and other families of friends, have set up, in a farmhouse outside Como, an unusual Christian community, which in 30 years has hosted and raised over 250 children as their own. Then there are those in day care, those followed in sports clubs, trained to work in artisan workshops... Don Giussani said to Erasmo, "don't do a work of charity, there are already too many of those, do a work of communion". And so it was, also with the many volunteers who freely offer their time to make it bigger and more beautiful, Cometa. Don Giussani always asked Erasmo to put his creativity, his love for beauty at the service of this new “home”: where every detail is carefully studied, created with art, with aesthetic taste. God made everything with love. In the testimony of this man who turned his life upside down, and received as a gift a fuller and happier one, the certainty that everything changes for an encounter, and that the passion for men is the passion for ourselves.