Massimo Cacciari is the guest of the episode of “SOUL”. Interviewed by Monica Mondo, the former mayor of Venice talks about culture but also about politics, reconstructing through his memories the most recent history of the Italian left, and in particular that linked to the PCI. “There was a serious party – he says about the PCI – and I joined it thinking that perhaps more than others it was able to give the answers I was talking about. We were one hundred percent anti-Soviet, anti-Stalinist! It was a big mistake not to break away from the relationship with the USSR earlier, as was recognized even at the highest levels, by President Napolitano”. The unpublished portrait of the Venetian philosopher also includes a reflection on current politics: “Which parties are there now? Certainly not the grillini, not Forza Italia. There is the PD, in which there are evident cultural differences that make it difficult to think of anything other than an unchallenged affirmation by Renzi. In the parties there have always been currents, not separated from a common feeling. In the Democratic Party there is none of this, even the Democratic Party is no longer a party”. In a discussion of current democracies, Cacciari underlines the existence of “a fundamental problem”: “an inflation of questions, some sacrosanct, but a deflation on the level of duties that does not allow the democratic system to function”. “Someone who is involved in politics - he adds in this regard - must be a realist, otherwise he is a poor demagogue who curry favor with the public: he may have a certain success... but it will not last long”. In a thirty-minute conversation with Tv2000, Cacciari also speaks of faith, of the unavoidable and necessary search for God, and of the grace that, alone, responds to those who, like him, cannot find God. “The worst of idolatries – he underlines – is the religion of money. Yes, even the Pope says so; but then the translation, in practice, means identifying who the enemy is... on the other hand that guy who said “I did not come to bring peace, but the sword”. “SOUL” is the weekly appointment of Tv2000 (on air every Saturday at 8:30 pm) with the protagonists of the world of politics, culture and entertainment who, in a thirty-minute face-to-face, tell their stories by bringing out their “soul”, the truth of themselves. Free questions correspond to free answers: “SOUL” is not interested in the characters but in the people, and everything that the public opinion, still, does not know about the big names of current politics and culture.