Behind the church of S. Giuseppe alla Sirta (m. 289) starts, from the last houses of the village, the via alla Sostila, that is the beautiful mule track that runs along the entire Fabiolo valley (but was washed away in several places by the flood of 2008). After an initial stretch to the right and one to the left, the mule track reaches the threshold of the Fabiolo valley. We pass to the right of a first bridge and at a second bridge we pass from the right to the left of the valley (for us). We thus climb up to the locality of Bures, or Bores (m. 650), whose huts remain on our right, beyond the stream. After a short stretch, before reaching the point where the mule track veers sharply to the left (east), a small bridge takes us back to the right of the stream and here we find the indicated deviation, on our right, for Sostìla. We follow the wide path that, after a few bends, in a chestnut grove, leads to Sostìla (m. 821). Behind the church of S. Giuseppe of Sirta (289 m.) the way to Sostila starts from the last houses of the village, ie the beautiful mule track that runs through the entire Fabiolo valley. After an initial stretch to the right and one to the left, the mule track reaches the threshold of Val Fabiolo. We pass to the right of a first bridge and at a second bridge we pass from the right to the left of the valley (for us). Thus we go up to Bures, or Bores (650 m), whose huts remain on our right, beyond the stream. After a short stretch, before reaching the point where the mule track veers sharply to the left (east), a small bridge takes us back to the right of the stream and here we find the signposted deviation, on our right, for Sostìla. We follow the wide path which, after a few bends, in a chestnut grove, leads to Sostìla (821 m). Copyright Info © Be aware all music belongs to the original artists. I am in no position to give anyone permission to use this. Please ask the artists. Thanks