#Riccic #ROPA Ropa Rübenmaus verladt Zuckerrüben Jahunderflut Extreme operation Professionals at work Rübenlademaus Agriculturel oading sugar beets Traudl gave me her collection of videos about beet collection. A big big thank you for that. I would be happy if you share, like and write the video in the comments. load beets; Loading sugar beets, Gigantic images, camaraderie and solidarity made it possible to save the beets Traudl gave me her collection of videos about beet collection. A big big thank you for that. I would be happy if you share, like and write the video in the comments. load beets; Loading sugar beets, gigantic images, camaraderie and togetherness made it possible to save the beets amazing powerful machines most impressive historical recordings LMG Donaugäu #Gäuboden Best of Zuckerrübe LMG Ostbayern GmbH & Co. KG Beet collection Sugar beet Beet loading Beet loading Beet loading SZ Plattling Südzucker AG Beet loading Not for wimps legendary deployment of our collection group Agricultural technology videos