There are many philosophers who are not very famous, especially in our country, many of their works have not been translated or published. They are not often quoted, and unless you are somewhat interested in philosophy and philosophical issues, you may not even have heard of them. In short, they are not celebrities as people say today! For example, many of us who did not have any philosophical or sociological studies, and basically these are not in our field of interest, we heard the names of Hegel, Nietzsche, Heidegger or Sartre. We may even have seen sentences and quotes from them in some of the contents of virtual space and social networks. But there are also many people in sociology or philosophy who are famous and not so-called brands, but they have a deep impact on this knowledge and are basically considered to be the founders of concepts that later became well-known and made many people famous. Soren Kierkegaard is one of these philosophers. Please see other videos of the Megapixel Network channel, including a video about Nietzsche, in this link • Friedrich Nietzsche; The philosopher who saw the death of God... and a video about Hannah Arendt in this link • Hannah Arendt; Watch the lady who learned to think. #philosophy #psychology #philosophy #psychology #sorenkierkegaard