Family constellations according to Bert Hellinger are now an integral part of the therapy scene and have developed in various forms. Sophie Hellinger, the wife of the pioneer born in 1925, and the spiritual media personality #WolfgangMaiworm talk to Thomas Schmelzer about the origins, background and functioning of family constellations. "Now I am a pastor," said Hellinger after he left the church and developed his method. We have a conscience and there is something like an order - the first realization from this: I belong to my family. The experience in the constellation leads to a new image that unfolds its effect in me and in my environment. Today, #family constellations are used in many ways. In Brazil, the method is even used and taught in many courts. China is also showing great interest in the work. The vision: a new person who is concerned with transformation and the realization that everything is connected. Sophie Hellinger is a wife, mother and grandmother. For decades she has been dealing with the almost unlimited potential that lies within every person. Her knowledge and skills extend from professional career movements to health issues, both psychological and physical, and into other unexplored areas of life. She imparts her knowledge in seminars on the New Hellinger Family Constellation as well as in energy seminars, Cosmic Power® seminars. In these courses, participants come into contact with life-enhancing energies that initiate, strengthen and accompany a comprehensive healing process of change. https://www.hellinger.com/home/ https://cosmicpower.de/ Wolfgang Maiworm - pioneer, entrepreneur, rebel, lateral thinker, "spirit leader", initiator - has been a well-known figure in the SpiritMedia area for decades. He works as a conference organizer, publisher of the magazines "Lebens-t-räume" and "heute leben mit FLIEGE", astrologer and author. http://www.wolfgangmaiworm.de ► Become a MYSTICA channel member: / @mysticatv ► Visit our online magazine #MYSTICA: http://www.mystica.tv ► Do you already know our online courses? https://www.mystica.tv/akademie/