Kazybek Kuraiysh is a Kazakhstani singer, composer and music producer. He is the author and performer of many hit songs in the Kazakh language. Kazybek Kuraiysh performs in various genres, including pop music, pop, romances and folk music VTJWTFFXMVhlSE5KUjFKd1dsTkNkVnBZYURCSlNFNHhZbGN4YkdOcFFXOWliVGhuWVcwNWNscFRhejA9 0:00 - Birge 3:16 - Seni izdep 6:16 - Taptym au seni 9:36 - Korkemim 12:43 - Mahabbat degen 15:04 - Ayaulym 18:55 - Arman