The solved Wartegg test is a projective psychological test that helps us to know some aspects of the personality of the individual or candidate, as well as their position in the world, interpersonal relationships, moods and preferences. The Wartegg test shown in the video is an 8-field Wartegg test. It is a projective test, where the general aspects of Wartegg are shown. Through the video we can identify the way on how to pass a Wartegg test or how to develop Wartegg, identifying some drawings that can suggest the Wartegg with correct or approximate answers to what you want to communicate. This type of Wartegg test does not measure artistic aptitudes and consists of 8 or 16 fields, each with a different stimulus for the candidate to make a free drawing. It starts with the easiest box to the most difficult and must mark this order. It is a simple test in general terms; it is short and easy to apply and interpret. However, it is subjective, does not have the absolute truth and only measures some personality traits.