We continue to study solfeggio... Today we will talk about tritones. Tritones are intervals consisting of three tones. They come in two types: augmented fourth (aug4) and diminished fifth (df5). Tritones are sharp-sounding dissonant intervals. They sound the same, but are written differently. Aug4 has 4 steps, and df5 has 5. Tritones can be formed in natural and harmonic modes and built on certain steps in a tonality. Aug4 in a major key is built on the 4th and 6th (lowered) steps. Df5 in a major key is built on the 7th and 2nd steps. Tritones consist of unstable sounds, and therefore must resolve. The augmented fourth (aug4) resolves into a sixth (the sounds diverge to the nearest stable degrees) The diminished fifth (dim5) resolves into a third (the sounds converge to the nearest stable degrees)