Hello everyone! We continue studying solfeggio... The topic of our lesson: Characteristic intervals. Today we will talk about the construction of characteristic intervals. Characteristic intervals are augmented and diminished intervals characteristic of harmonic modes: harmonic major and harmonic minor. In other modes, these intervals cannot appear. There are 4 types of characteristic intervals: - augmented second (aug2). It is built on the 6th lowered degree in major and on the 6th degree in minor. Resolved by both sides in a fourth. The sounds diverge in different directions. - diminished seventh (d7). It is built on the 7th degree in major and on the 7th raised degree in minor. Resolved by both sides in a fifth. The sounds converge. - augmented fifth (aug5). It is built on the 6th lowered degree in major and on the 3rd degree in minor. Resolves on one side into a major sixth. The sounds diverge. - diminished fourth (dim4). It is built on the 3rd degree in major and on the 7th degree of the raised degree in minor. Resolves on one side into a major sixth. The sounds diverge.