I extract solder from boards and contacts. Solder contains tin, which is quite valuable, and the more tin in the solder, the more expensive the solder. On boards for soldering radio components, solder brand POS60 with a tin content of 60 percent is usually used. This is a rather expensive solder, both when buying for personal use and for handing over to scrap metal. Today I will try a new method of extracting solder, namely, the method of extracting with a gasoline burner. Previously, I already extracted solder using a fire, heated the boards on a steel plate and knocked off the molten solder with a sharp blow. With a gasoline burner, I heat the board directly with the flame of the burner and knock the molten solder there by hitting the board against a baking sheet. Drops of solder collect in the baking sheet, but they get there together with radio components and small wires, such solder needs to be remelted again and poured out of it a clean ingot. This method of extracting lead-tin solder is well suited for extracting solder from rich Soviet boards; it is not very profitable to process boards with little solder in this way, since a lot of gasoline is consumed. I melt the solder from the contacts in a tin can, having previously stuffed many holes in the bottom through which the molten metal can flow out. The molten drops of lead-tin solder drip onto a baking sheet and collect there. Then I collect all the solder in a stainless steel pan and melt it into one ingot. When extracting solder, you need to use a protective mask, gloves and a respirator. Also, solder should be extracted in this way in the open air, preferably in the presence of wind. Solder from boards and contacts can be used both for soldering and collected for scrap metal delivery. Before delivery, the tin content in the solder is determined at the acceptance point and the price is calculated depending on the amount of tin. I hope the video about solder extraction using a gasoline torch will be interesting and informative. I wish everyone a successful search, collection and cash delivery of scrap metal, and especially non-ferrous metals and copper. Enjoy watching everyone. Thank you all for watching. Please, if you liked the video, subscribe to support the channel, your support is very important. #solder #solderextraction #AlexanderKireev #howtoextractsolder #extractsoldervideo #scrapmetal #removesolderfromplatforms #soldertotake #solderforsoldering #leadtinsolder #moneyfromoldequipment #dismantlingoldequipment #moneyfromgarbage #solderingwithtorch