I'm sharing a little of my modest experience with solar systems. 16kw solar panels, 12kw single-phase hybrid inverter and 2 batteries of 10kw, the third one ordered :) I see that there are questions about prices, but they are constantly changing and it is very relative and each company will give you a different offer. It's all up to negotiation and contacts, for example, I managed to get my equipment at dealer prices, but now I will give an example of customer prices. 39 panels 410w x 140lv. = 5460. Deye SIngle 12kw hybrid = 4800 V-TAC 10.24kw 3pcs. x 3900 = 11700 Fuse board about 900lv. Fasteners, cables, corrugated stands, lightning rods, silicones.... about 3500 Labor according to the company.... by agreement I put an average of 2500. All in all if I haven't forgotten something = 28860lv. If we drive 2 internal combustion engines + household electricity, the average is 1000lv per month electricity + fuel. Now that we have electric cars, this all breaks down in 29 months. After that, you can count another 3 years, for example, if one electric car breaks down completely, etc.