The "Soka Gakkai Song" was born from Daisaku Ikeda's long poem "Young people, climb the mountain of Kosen-rufu in the 21st century." "Young people, climb the mountain of Kosen-rufu" Lyrics: Shinichi Yamamoto My beloved friends, you are the flow of a great, leisurely river. No one can stop this flow. No matter what obstacles there are, the water will continue to grow and flow toward the ocean. *Youth, hope, and truth are about carrying out the Dharma battle for our friends, which is Kosen-rufu. (Repeat the following.) ■Special website https://www.sokanet.jp/recommend/2016... ---------------------------------------------------- ■Soka Gakkai official website https://www.sokagakkai.jp/ ■SOKAnet member support https://www.sokanet.jp/kaiin/ ■SOKAnet official YouTube channel / sokanet_ch ■Soka Gakkai official Instagram / sokagakkai_official ----------------------------------------------------