Diego Pelizari brings an improvised brainstorming session with a summary of soil biology, covering the main concepts and their influence on plants! Covering concepts of organic matter, soil life, microorganisms, mesofauna, macrofauna, decomposition, mineralization, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, potassium, biological nitrogen fixation, nodules, root exudates, rhizosphere, among others. Learn more about our training at https://agroderespeito.com.br/inscric... And news at https://linktr.ee/agroderespeito Contact Pedro Caps: @pb_pedrobones INSTAGRAM 84 9653-7067 If you want the channel to continue covering soil biology topics for Agros de Respeito, or have any suggestions for topics for videos of this type, leave a comment! Also, leave your like if you liked the video, and subscribe to the channel (click on the bell to receive an email notifying you of new videos), and participate by commenting on what topics you would like to see covered in the videos, and also, what qualities a respectable agricultural sector should have! Also follow the channel's page on Facebook to enjoy the memes and stay up to date with the news: /agroderespeito Send ideas, suggestions and criticisms. Or if you want to collaborate on a specific subject, send it to the official email: [email protected] And follow the page on Instagram to follow some steps of the creation process, fun memes, some polls and photos of field activities! @agroderespeito Come and be one too... a Respectable Agricultural Seed! #agroderespeito #soilbiology #microorganisms • Soil biology - The main conc...