Our new video is devoted to the analysis of the phenomenon of religion from a Marxist point of view. Why is this form of ideology rapidly spreading again? What is the reception of religious consciousness associated with during scientific and technological progress and why do people often confuse Christianity and socialism? Is it possible to completely eradicate religious and mystical ideas and what conditions are needed for this? These and other questions are in our new video. Enjoy watching! UPD. In the video at 10:37 there is a disclaimer: "opium for the people". Marxists have always spoken of religion as "the opium of the people", and not for the people. This is the thesis revealed in the video. ⁂ Our website https://lenincrew.com ⁂ Lenin Crew in: VK https://vk.com/lenin_crew Telegram https://t.me/lenin_crew ⁂ You can help with a donation using the card: 4276 4900 4508 7345 #lenincrew #marxism #science #atheism #religion