Street cleaners, doormen, drivers, collectors and general service assistants are some of the professionals who suffer daily from social invisibility. Despite performing essential functions for our society, many claim that they are humiliated and ignored daily. Is this the society we want for future generations? I don't think so! So, let's roll up our sleeves and try to change this reality? I'm counting on you! To learn more about the subject: 1. https://administradores.com.br/artigo... 2. https://observatorio3setor.org.br/car... 3. http://edicaodobrasil.com.br/2018/05/... *************** Let's talk and exchange experiences! :) Instagram: / daniellelandu Medium: / daniellesouzaba TikTok: / daniellelandu Video link: • SOCIAL INVISIBILITY Danielle Landu Editing: Me and Mc Dyou