The film ZANNA: Whisper of Volcano Isle tells the story of a girl named Zanna who is separated from her family. One day, she accidentally enters a world full of magic. Together with two beautiful fairies, Dinda and Novi, Zanna dares to explore various new and challenging things, including fighting against attacks by evil enemy troops. Watch the holiday film 'Zanna: Whisper of Volcano Isle' with the whole family starting JANUARY 2, 2025 in theaters! 🎉 Pinned Comment: Check out the Official Trailer for Zanna: Whisper of Volcano Isle here: • OFFICIAL TRAILER ZANNA WHISPER OF VOL... ==== Meat, bread and tofu combined with spicy mayo sauce taste delicious So Want! Chef Rudy Makes Breakfast Menu From Bread & Meat LUCKY THERE'S RUDY (1/2) Part 1 • The Meat Blooms! Chef Rudy Frying... Part 2 • Mantep Pol! Chef Rudy Makes Cilur Kuk... An expert in Indonesian cuisine whose expertise is beyond doubt, this show offers a cooking experience that is light, fun, and certainly full of useful tips. Rudi will not only share delicious recipes, but will also experiment with various unique dishes that can inspire every viewer to try new things in their kitchen. #untungadarudy #untungadarudydircti #shantydenny ========= If you experience technical problems with RCTI broadcasts, please click the link below. https://bit.ly/layanansolusidigital Subscribe to our RCTI Entertainment channel http://bit.ly/RCTIEntertainment