No freeze, no suspension, no repeal, no cancellation of the pension reform. Instead, Bayrou proposes a "flash mission" and a "conclave". With the unions, the knife under the throat. The issue is the forklift drivers and maintenance workers who are wondering how to hold out until 64. Don't forget to give it a thumbs up, share, and we hope you enjoy watching! ➡️ Join us: https://avecruffin.fr ➡️ Support François Ruffin: https://don.avecruffin.fr ➡️ My blog: https://francoisruffin.fr/actu/blog/ ➡️ WhatsApp: https://what.francoisruffin.fr ➡️ Telegram: https://t.me/francoisruffin ➡️ TikTok: / francois_ruffin ➡️ Instagram: / francois_ruffin