After making this dish, you definitely won't want anything else for a complete main meal with yogurt, phyllo and meat. Here are the ingredients for a delicious and practical chicken siron recipe: four yufka (a kind of yufka) A tea glass of oil Two whole chicken thighs A teaspoon of salt Enough water to cover A bowl of yogurt A teaspoon of salt Two cloves of garlic Two tablespoons of oil A tablespoon of butter A teaspoon of red pepper flakes Good luck to those who try it, bon appetit ???? Please don't forget to subscribe to my channel for free for new recipes ???? #tea #yummy #practical #yummyfood #yummy #yummyyummy #asmr #discovery #practicaltarifler #breakfast #maincourse #recipe #siron #food #chicken #cookies After making this dish, you will definitely not want anything else. For a delicious and practical chicken siron recipe with yoghurt, phyllo and meat as a main course. Here are the ingredients: four sheets of dough One tea glass of oil Two whole chicken legs One teaspoon of salt Enough water to cover A bowl of yogurt One teaspoon of salt Two cloves of garlic Two tablespoons of oil One tablespoon of butter One teaspoon of chili pepper Good luck to those who try it, bon appetit ???? Please don't forget to subscribe to my channel for free for new recipes ???? After preparing this dish, you will definitely not want anything else. You will be fine. For the recipe of qatiq, phyllo and meaty and practical henna siron as a main dish. Here are the ingredients: four tablespoons of oil. One tea spoon of oil. Two whole chicken feet. One teaspoon of salt. Enough water to cover. A case of ingredients. One teaspoon of salt. Two cloves of garlic. Two tablespoons of oil. One teaspoon of horseradish. One tea spoon. spoon of chili pepper. Good luck to those who try it, may you have a good appetite ???? Don't forget to subscribe to my channel free of charge for new recipes ???? If you want to get new recipes, you can enjoy it. Für ein köstliches und praktisches Chicken Siron-Rezept mit Joghurt, Phyllo und Fleisch als Hauptgericht. Here you go ck said, die es probieren, guten Appetit ???? Bitte bilgiss nicht, meinen Kanal kostenlos zu abonnieren, um neue Rezepte zu erhalten ???? بعد إعداد هذا الطبق، بالتأكيد ترغب في أي شيء آخر، للحصول على وصفة دجاج سيرون لذيذة وعملية مع الزبادي و الرقائق واللحوم كطبق رئيسي. In this context: I'm sorry لعقة I'm sorry I'm sorry ???? من Thank you for your support.