Experience the enchanting fairytale musical 'Snow White The Musical' from the 2014-2015 theatre season, produced by Van Hoorne Entertainment, on the 'Van Hoorne KIDS TV' channel! Starring Maud Mulder as Snow White and Geert Hoes as the Huntsman. Subscribe now: https://bit.ly/3ucr9lE The beautiful princess Snow White has been living with her aunt since the death of her parents, the vain queen who does everything she can to be the fairest in the land. Every day the queen asks her enchanted mirror who is the fairest in the land. One day the mirror answers that it is no longer the queen herself, but princess Snow White who is the fairest in the land! Furious, the queen orders her huntsman to take Snow White into the forest and make sure that no one will ever see her again. Snow White is left alone in the forest. What will happen to her now? And could the inhabitants of that little house in the forest possibly help her? Spotify Listen to all songs from 'Snow White The Musical' also via Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3UC... Follow us also via: / vanhoorneentertainment https://www.instagram.com/vanhoorneen... https://www.vanhoorne.com/ Enjoy all the magical fairy tale performances by Van Hoorne Entertainment since the 2013 theater season! Quickly watch the full video registrations! Van Hoorne makes the best classic fairy tale musicals. Think of The Little Mermaid, Hansel & Gretel, Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, Rapunzel & Snow White. About Van Hoorne KIDS TV Van Hoorne Kids TV is the official YouTube channel of 'Van Hoorne Entertainment'. Since 2003 we have been creating unforgettable moments of happiness for all children and their (grand)parents by offering accessible, high-quality family entertainment. It's a party every day with Van Hoorne Entertainment! On this channel you will find the best series and videos from Van Hoorne Entertainment. Enjoy the Fairytale musicals like Cinderella, Hansel and Gretel and the Little Mermaid. Play and learn with Fien & Teun, laugh with Titus & Fien, experience the adventures of Pipo the Clown and much more! #snowwhite #fairytale #musical