Helena (Anentome helena) is a freshwater gastropod mollusk native to Southeast Asia. A distinctive feature of these invertebrates is their predatory lifestyle. The basis of the helena's diet is other small snails, which they eat, literally "sucking" them out of the shell. Melania granifera (Melanoides granifera) origin, distribution in nature, maintenance. • Melania granifera (Melanoides granife... Coil freshwater snail (Planorbella duryi) benefit or harm?! / jgdqxflxmr Marbled crayfish or crayfish girl, who is it and what is dangerous if it gets into our local reservoirs. • Marbled crayfish or crayfish girl, who is it... Red Californian (Florida) crayfish. who is it? • Red Californian (Florida) r... Marbled crayfish or crayfish girl, who is it and what is dangerous if it gets into our local reservoirs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9ml7... Dwarf swamp crayfish, who is it and how to keep it in an aquarium https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mu8hi... Giant African snail Achatina. They gave new Achatina! • Giant African snail Achatina... You can support the channel like a brother here - ✅ DonatUa https://donatua.com/@zoologua ✅ MonoBank card 5375 4115 0104 7265