Our testers Achim and Henry set off on a gourmet tour across Mallorca to find out: Where does it taste best? What they find is impressive: They discover delicacies that they searched for in vain at home and learn that good doesn't necessarily have to be expensive. ►All full episodes of Abenteuer Leben https://s71.link/b/2FZie17 ►Abenteuer Leben subscription https://s71.link/b/2FYWH8S *************************************** Curious, honest, interesting and exciting, Abenteuer Leben reports on topics from the areas of knowledge, everyday life and life. The show shows real people and their exciting challenges. Abenteuer Leben amazes viewers time and again with superlatives! Through strong topics in strong images -- with strong protagonists who tell their story. *************************************** ►“Achtungkontrolle” on YouTube https://s71.link/b/2CGr1ne ►“Trucker Babes” on YouTube https://s71.link/b/2FKBSyV ►“Die Ruhrpottwache” on YouTube https://s71.link/b/2D30stZ ►“Auf Streife” on YouTube https://s71.link/b/2qdX5HG #AbenteuerLeben #kabeleins #Reportage Imprint: https://www.kabeleins.de/service/impr...