smooooch・∀・ is a song included in the beatmania IIDX series. (Quoted from http://dic.nicovideo.jp/a/smooooch%E3...) ◆What is Candy Rave? http://www.konami.jp/bemani/bm2dx/bm2... ◆Original tracing source http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm9431321 ◆Original ・[Official] beatmania IIDX Twitter / iidx_official ・beatmaniaⅡDX HP http://www.konami.jp/bemani/bm2dx/ ◆The person who created this music: kors k Niconico Encyclopedia: http://dic.nicovideo.jp/a/kors%20k Twitter: / s2tb_korsk ◆The person who created the animation that this video is based on: MAYA http://maya.vc/